祇園舞妓拍攝全攻略 Hunting Maikos


(with English version at the bottom)


上個月的假期,目的地是老妻挑選的(推翻了我印度的建議)。在飛機票訂好後,我才研究我的攝影計畫。第一個目標,就是要拍攝祇園老街上的舞妓 (Maiko),然後就是飛驒山上的巡遊(不在本文的範圍)。所以我挑選旅館的第一個目標,就是要接近祇園 (Gion)。


要加深對舞妓的基本認識,可以從維基網上獲得。但要研究如何拍攝舞妓,中文的資料十分有限,即使我在英語媒介的調查,也顯得十分蒼白。有一些更將碰上舞妓的機緣, 相比成雪山花豹的罕有。但根據我幾天下來的拍攝經驗, 要在鏡頭上捕捉舞妓並不十分困難。但因為她們的「神出鬼沒」, 加上晚上的昏暗,以及周遭的遊客眾多。要有成功的作品,那就需要一定的拍攝水平,和極佳的運氣。



舞妓出沒的地方主要有兩個,第一是她們接待工作的茶屋,第二是她們為遊客表演的場地。京都最出名的茶屋坐落在祗園的花見小路,叫一力亭(Ichiriki-tei)(Google map 有顯示),是有幾百年歷史,跟政界、商界和社團有緊密的關係。由於聘用的舞妓眾多,它的門口,成為捕捉舞妓最熱門的地方。附近一、二百米內的橫街,也開設有不少這樣的茶館,但規模則比較少,要剛巧碰上舞妓的機會相對十分難得。


等候舞妓出沒的時間主要有三個。其一是下午六時許,當舞妓晚上第一次出差。然後是大約九時,她們出席第二次宴會。但在六点鐘的時段,有大量湊熱鬧的遊客,拿著手機便當自己是 paparazzi,橫沖亂撞,不但嚇怕舞妓,更阻礙了我們這些「高級攝影人」。這時由於天色未全黑,若只求拍得舞妓入鏡(算是到此一遊)並不太困難,真是手機也可以有所斬獲。

若果對照片有些要求,你一定要擺脱這一群冒牌 paparazzi。第一次,我拍攝完六點的第一輪,去了晚飯。九時回來,就只剩下一兩個發燒攝影師。雖然拍攝「旅行照片」的人少了,但那裏是繁忙的購物區和晚飯地區。行人仍然不少。加上天色已黑,拍攝的難度不會減少。



要碰運氣,就需要在第三個時段出動——- 午夜十二時。那是最後一輪宴會結束的時間,遊人少,攝影人更少,若你的發燒程度,能支持到你午夜十二時,你應該得到不錯的回報。




第三個拍攝地點,是在 Heart-Hanashizuku 舞妓体驗館附近。在傍晚六時許,哪裡有專供遊客觀看的舞妓表演,遊客一排一排的坐著,像是看電影一般。這家離我的旅館十分接近,我並沒有研究過舞妓出沒的規律。但有一次在下午四時左右路過,就看到有全化妝的舞妓,走進該表演館,相信是預備傍晚的表演。若你能踹摩出她們演出的時間表,也能找到捕捉她們的最好良機。若你能找到其它類似的表演館,按圖索驥,也會有同樣的機緣。我很懷疑這種「逗遊客」的舞妓是否正宗,但外行人的你和我,相信是無法分辨的。



日本是遵守禮儀的國家,拍攝舞妓,他們也有一套規矩。你不能截停她們,不能拉她們停下跟你一起 selfie。由於她們如明星一樣,經常被好奇的遊客獵影,她們對攝影師一般沒有好感,低頭和用雨傘掩面已是「指定動作」。也有說當她們有客人在旁邊時不要攝影,但我發覺通常客人是不會介意的。相信那是謠言,認為客人是在召妓,害怕上鏡。

拍攝的規劃、時間和地點談過了,在這裡想約略一提技術和器材。這類題材是其它攝影雜誌和網路的 bread and butter,但這博客由於不用商業考慮,我想儘量避免,而為大家提供一些較少見的材料。

拍攝舞妓最大的困難是黑暗,和她們的刻意躲避,要限制快門的速度,和 ISO 在最低可接受程度。你好可能需要一支大光圈的定焦鏡頭。至于閃燈帶來的感覺,絕對不是我的要求。而平常街拍的「最佳組合」: 光圈 f/5.6-8, 快門 1/500-1/1000  和 zone-focusing 根本不可能。我大部份照片, 是使用 30mm,f/1.4 鏡頭(aps-c)。夜間街拍是我之前未嘗試過的。故此第一晚的拍攝,大部份照片,根本技術上都未合格。

若夜拍經驗不足的,我建議大家在旅行之前,多作類似拍攝的實習,對相機不同的曝光和自動對焦規格有充分的瞭解。在經過相當摸索之後,我的拍攝設定多是快門1/200 上下,ISO 和光圈由相機自動控制。


我最近日本旅程的街拍圖片,將會陸續推出在本人 Instagram。有意者可 follow。


As a street photographer, Tokyo casts more attractions as it is a huge metropolitan with tens of millions people. Kyoto, on the other hand, is a quieter city but with the more nostalgic scenery. Recently, besides ‘day-to-day’ subjects, shooting Maiko become a must for keen photographers.

However, shooting maiko is like taking wildlife photography. You need to know their showing-up patterns, the locations, and be patient. I just came back from a trip to Kyoto, family holiday was, of course, my main purpose. Nevertheless, my photo priority was trying maiko-spotting. There were not many articles( Chinese/ English) on the net I could study before I went, so I think I would like to share some experience here. On Instagram, there are some local Japanese photogs with amazing maiko photos. Due to my lack of nighttime street photo experience, I understand my photo qualities suffer a bit, but the ‘ways’ to shoot may be helpful.


Find the tea house Ichiriki-tei on Google map, it’s almost at the centre spot of Gion tourist area. It’s the biggest and oldest tea house for maikos to work in. In the surrounding 200 meters, there are many more but much smaller tea houses. Small means less frequent for maikos to show up.

Ponto-cho is a narrow ancient looking alley full of normal restaurants and maiko tea houses. It is so busy in the evening that your lens can never avoid other ‘ugly’ tourist.

Heart-Hanashizuku is a ‘theater’ for maiko shows. There are many other smaller ones within Gion area.


There are 3 timeslots for productive maiko spotting. At around 6pm, maikos attend their first section of the night. Seeing maikos walking into tea houses is not too hard. But at this convenient time, every interested tourists are there. Mobile-photographers will swamp the street that there is almost no chance to take a decent photo among the mess.

About 9pm, the end of the first showtime, maikos come out from one shop and some will enter another one. Most ‘me too’ photographers will disappear, the hard-core will have a better environment to shoot. At that time the sky is totally dark, you only can rely on dim streetlights (flash gun? what’s that?). Expertise and the low-light quality of your camera are important.

If you want to shoot at Ponto-cho, with the lanterns and narrow shop fronts (minus the ugly pedestrians) it is a nicer location. Then you may need to wait till midnight when maikos come out from their last call in the dead quiet alley.

I did not have time to study the theater setting, I am sure if you do, you may get some nice shots before and after shows.

Anytime, anywhere:

With luck, you may see maiko at temples or other tourist spots taking self-promote photos, or going to the daytime private setting. This is as rare as spotting a snow leopard. However, don’t mistake other Japanese girls or Asian tourist dressed up in Kimono as maikos, there are hundreds of them at anytime anywhere.


There is a sign on the street of Yamato-Oji Dori saying you cannot interrupt walking maiko, asking for selfie together. I encountered a maiko stop 2 seconds for tourist’s photo request, but I don’t think you like that type of awkward posting anyway. I read an article on the internet saying don’t take photo when the maiko is with clients, my experience tells me that no client seems to care. I think someone still thinks maiko is in a sex business, then of course client would not like to show.

My take on that? I think maiko is not different than anyone else as a subject in street photography, a simple respect is needed (maybe a bit more because it is Japan) and nothing more.

